Movember Grows in Popularity with Focus on Men’s Health

What started in 2003 as clever campaign to bring the mustache back, quickly became a global phenomenon when the creators from Australia teamed up with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia the following year to dovetail the focus on fashion to a focus on men’s health.  Today, the campaign raises awareness and money for men’s charities targeting prostate and testicular cancer. In 2011, the viral campaign raised more than 120 million dollars during the month of November.

Participants are referred to as “Mo Bros” and according to the campaign’s website, “act as walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November.”  Individuals or teams can register on the campaign’s website and encourage friends and family members to donate on their behalf throughout the month-long campaign. The popularity of Movember has attracted the media and celebrities, happily tweeting pictures of their mustache pride.

Did You Know?

•    Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer next to skin cancer for men.
•    Every year more than 230,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
•    More African American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer than any other group in the world.
•    The biggest risk factors are: age, family history, race, and regions of residence.
•    Testicular cancer is most common in young to middle-aged men, with more than 8,000 new cases diagnoses a year.

What to Look For

It is important to know what signs or symptoms to look for, as most early stages of prostate cancer do not present any signs or symptoms.  The earliest detection is key for successful treatment.

•    Problems urinating include weak or interrupted flow, having to urinate frequently, and pain or trouble beginning urination.
•    Look for blood in the urine or semen.
•    Tell your doctor if you have pain in your back, hips or pelvis that does not go away.

Successful Outcomes with Treatment

Early detection and treatment can greatly improve the survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Recent data shows all men with prostate cancer have the following survival rates:

•    The relative 5-year survival rate is nearly 100%
•    The relative 10-year survival rate is greater than 90%

As treatment and detection methods continue to improve, the survival rates are expected to improve as well for the 10 year and 15 year survival rates.