New Parent Group

Motherhood Is…

A Life Changing Gift

Full of Long Nights, Blissful Days, Endless Smiles and Forever Love

Overwhelming, Strengthening


Exciting, yet Terrifying

Conflicting Feelings

Exciting Milestones

Grace upon Grace

Sacrificial Love

Constant Worry

Letting Go of Expectations and Perfection

Something New Everyday

My Greatest Blessing

-Written by Lovelace’s New Parent’s Group

Thank you to our parents for that sweet poem! We miss meeting in person but we are enjoying our new online group. This class is not just for first time parents; it is for any new parent. With a virtual format, we have had cousins and family from other states “drop in”. Join us at New Parent Group and invite your new parent family members who live….anywhere!

New Parent Group provides a safe place to ask questions and learn from other parents. Lactation professionals attend to instruct and support breastfeeding. The class is offered virtually, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm MST. Download the WebEx app to make joining easier. Parents talk about napping, lack of sleep, time management, postpartum depression, growth and development, stress management, baby wearing, strollers, boppies and more! Join us and enter into a splendid place of noise, gurgling, soft skin, milk, laughter, tears and a whole bundle of love.

Poem written by parents of the New Parent Group